How do I change my Shopify bank account to my Viably Global account?

We've outlined the steps needed to make Viably your primary Shopify payout method.

Once you’ve accepted funding from Viably, your funding will be deposited into your Viably Global Account within 24 hours. As stated in your funding agreement with Viably, it is required you make Viably Global your payout account on Shopify, in order to access your funds. Once Viably has been made your primary payout method on Shopify, your funds will be unlocked - you can then start using your funding and you'll have access to continuous funding, to support your business as you scale!  

It doesn't take long! We've outlined the steps to take, below:

1. From your Shopify admin, go to Settings > Payments

Open Payments in Shopify Settings to make Viably your Payout account.
2. In the Shopify Payments section, click Manage and Change bank account. 

3.  Verify your old bank account information to confirm your identity and ensure security.* Then Enter your new, Viably Global Account details and click Save

*If you can’t remember your old bank account information or are unable to verify it, contact Shopify’s customer support team for assistance.

Note: Please keep in mind that Shopify states that any changes to your bank account can take up to 5 business days to process and your payouts could potentially be locked for that duration. 

Once your Viably account has been successfully verified, that will be listed in the Payments section of your Shopify admin. When this is completed, your funds will then be unlocked within Viably and you'll be able to use the "Move Money" feature to begin making payments and using your Viably debit cards to scale your ecommerce business!