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How do I get paid or make payments from my Viably Global account?

This article reviews the ways to get paid or make payments from a Viably Global Account.

Your Viably Global Account helps simplify how you get paid by your ecommerce marketplaces along with how you can make payments in any currency (to your suppliers, to cover business subscriptions and other expenses).

 Let's chat about how you can get payouts or how you can easily make payments from your Viably Global Account:

Get paid by your marketplaces to Viably Global

Receive your payouts in any currency directly to your Viably Account, so you can see all the money you're making across the marketplaces you sell on. Beyond helping you see the full picture of your cash flow, when you've taken funding with Viably it is required (per your agreement) to make your Viably Global Account your marketplace's primary payout account - this also ensures you can activate continuous funding to grow your business! 

With your Viably Global Account, you can route payouts from your different marketplaces around the globe to the right currency. Viably enables you to get paid in any currency using local bank details (similarly to the routing and account numbers you have with your US bank account). Receiving payouts from Canada and the US? Viably Global helps you get paid in both Canadian and US dollars. You can see all payouts from your marketplaces directly on your Viably Accounts Dashboard, within the Recent Transactions or directly from your Transactions Dashboard. 

See all payouts coming into your Viably Global Account.

Making payments from Viably Global 

Adding a beneficiary - 

With your Viably Global account, easily add those suppliers and vendors you send payments to in the US and around the globe! By clicking 'Pay' from your Accounts Dashboard or 'Global Payments' within your Move Money dropdown, you'll be taken to the Add Beneficiaries page. 

Make a payment from your Viably Global Account via the Accounts Dashboard.
Make a payment from Viably Global via the Global Payments button.

This will then take you to the beneficiaries page. Here you can view existing beneficiaries or pay someone new.

Easily pay someone new with Viably Global.

When you add a new beneficiary, you'll be given the option to define if you are paying an individual or a business. You can then add their details and select a default payment type: either ACH, Wire (Fedwire in the US), or Cross-border (international payment). You can pay each beneficiary in whatever currency best fits their bank account. 

Add a beneficiary and select a default payment type with your Viably Global Account.

For each payment type, you will see the required details you'll need to provide about the recipient. 

Make a local ACH payment with your Viably Global Account. Make a US Wire with your Viably Global Account.Make a cross border payment to international beneficiaries with Viably Global.
Once you've added a beneficiary you can always change the payment type you are making from your Viably Global Account.

Completing a payment from Viably Global 

With your beneficiaries added, you can start making payments in any currency (for those inventory orders, to your warehouse or 3PL providers... the list is limitless!). 

Once you've selected a beneficiary to pay, you'll just need to add: 
-How much the payment will be and in which currency
-When the transfer will need to happen
-Review the transfer method
-Any additional details (how you'd like this payment to be categorized and any note)

Add the details about your Viably Global payment.
After you've entered the payment details and click "Next" you will have the opportunity to review the payment.

Review any fees tied to the payment from your Viably Global Account.

From the review, you will have full transparency as to what the payment will cost from your Viably Global Account with the associated fee (if applicable). Once the payment has been made, this will be visible from your Viably Transactions Dashboard