How can I make Viably my primary payout method on my marketplace?

This guide covers how Viably can be made your payout account on your various marketplaces.

You've successfully been funded by Viably! We're so excited to partner together and help your store grow. Now that you've been funded, you'll need to make your Viably Business Account your primary payout method on your marketplace. 

We have several articles that review, in detail, how you can make this change simply and seamlessly, for any marketplace you're using. The following quick-links will take you to the article for your respective marketplace:

Changing your Payout on Amazon

+Here are the instructions for Amazon Seller Central
+If currently have Marcus by Goldman Sachs, you'll need to follow these steps to change your Amazon payout

Changing your Payout on Shopify

+Here are the steps for Shopify

Viably offers funding and an all-in-one banking platform for eCommerce sellers, including:

- Business checking account and virtual cards

- Automation of your back-office tasks

- Sales planning tool to forecast cash flow needs

- Integrations with your other ecommerce tools

Need to grow your store or ready to invest in a new product launch?

Get the capital to reach your ecommerce goals - get funded, today!