How can I use the planning tab in Viably Growth?

This article reviews how you can use the Planning tab in Viably Growth.

Ready to plan your next growth milestone? Easily scope your plan in Viably Growth. We'll walk through how you can use the planning tab to proactively outline your business' next investment, and so you know exactly when to replenish funding. 

This article will guide you through the elements of Viably's Growth Dashboard, specifically what you can do in the planning tab including:

Create Plans for Inventory Restocks or Product Launches

Strategically plan your next big investment. Viably’s Growth Dashboard has planning tools that are easy for you to map out future purchases.

Build growth plans for inventory restocks or product launches in Viably. 

To create a plan:
  1. First select if this plan is for a product restock or if you’re planning to sell a new product.
    If the plan is for restocking existing inventory:

    Create a restock plan in Viably Growth.
    You'll be asked to select the product's SKU from the dropdown (based on your connected marketplace's data), the number of units for the purchase, planned average weekly sales, the price point at which you plan to sell the product, and the cost per unit.

    If you're creating a plan for a new product:

    Create a product launch plan in Viably Growth.
    You'll be asked to name the new product, add the number of units for the purchase, planned average weekly sales, the price point at which you plan to sell the product, and the cost per unit.

  2. Once you click "Save" you'll then be directed to the larger planning page. This allows you to add multiple products to your product launch or restock plan! 

    Breakout the total cost and payments of your plan in Viably Growth.
    From this same plan view, you will also be able to define how you intend to pay for this: breaking out the number of payments and the timing of your payments.  

  3. As you're putting the final touches on your plan, you can give it a name so you can easily view or adjust it from your Growth Planning tab. 

    Name your Viably Growth Plan, so you can revisit or adjust as you see fit.

As you designate a time for the purchase, Viably’s Planning and Cash Flow Breakdown, directly from your Growth Dashboard, will help you keep an eye on whether or not you’ll have enough cash to cover the investment or if you might need additional funding. 

Level-up Your Cash Flow Management

With Viably streamline how you manage your products and cash flow planning, from the same place! Stop maintaining a spreadsheet or manually tracking and categorizing transactions from your marketplace.

After you’ve securely connected your marketplace and banking data to Viably, you can see real-time updates of your business expenses paired with ongoing sales from your shop. From your Viably Growth Dashboard, you can drill into the details of your cash flow. 
 See a detailed view of your cash inflows and outflows in Viably Growth.

Uncover where you’ve had spikes to your cash flow moving in your business, from your total inflow across your connected marketplaces! Or identify opportunities where you could cut costs, based on your outflow data. If you're interested in a deeper dive about Viably's cash flow breakdown in Viably Growth, checkout this article

Use Viably’s insights to help inform the decisions you're making about how you plan to grow your ecommerce business.

Viably offers funding and an all-in-one banking platform for ecommerce sellers, including:

- Business checking account and virtual cards

- Automation of your back-office tasks

- Growth planning tools to forecast cash flow needs

- Integrations with your other tools


Need to purchase new inventory? Ready to invest in product research or marketing?

Get the capital to reach your ecommerce goals - get funded, today!