How do I reconnect my Amazon account to Viably?

This article reviews how you can easily reconnect your Amazon Seller Account to Viably.

Have you disconnected your Amazon Seller account from Viably? Not a problem! Let’s talk through the steps to link your account to Viably, so you can see insights about your Amazon store in Viably AND so you can get access to more funding opportunities! 

Reconnecting Amazon Seller Central to Viably

  1. Once you've logged in to your Viably account, you'll find a banner at the top alerting you of your disconnected Amazon account.

    Notice in Viably of your disconnected Amazon Seller Account.
  2. Click "Reconnect" from the banner. This will then direct you to Amazon to authenticate your Amazon Seller account to Viably.   

    ✳️Reminder: Connecting your Amazon account to Viably, creates a read-only connection. Viably will not have a user in your Seller Central account, nor do we have access to any data other than the reports the API sends back from your Seller Central account back to Viably. (You can find more details about what connecting your Amazon Seller account to Viably means in this article!).

  3. After you click “Connect” you’ll need to enter your Amazon credentials.

    Amazon Seller Sign-in from your Viably connection.
  4. Next you’ll be shown an authorization screen, for Viably to have real-time visibility into your data from your Amazon Seller account.

    Review the data Viably will be authorized to access from Amazon.
    This data helps our underwriting team create custom funding offers for your ecommerce business, but it also feeds into the Viably Growth dashboard so you can strategically plan how you scale and make purchases.   (*You can find more details about the data Viably requests to authorize read-only access to, in this article!).

  5. To finalize reconnecting Amazon to Viably, you must check “I direct Amazon to provide Viably access to my Selling Partner account and related data. I am responsible for any actions taken by the application.”

    Allow Viably to access your Amazon Selling Partner account.
    Once checked, navigate to the bottom and select “Sign up / Login to Viably.” 
  6. After you've taken those steps you will have reconnected your Amazon Seller account to Viably!

    This will enable you to request additional funding and view insights in Viably Growth tied to your Amazon shop’s performance. With this connection, easily build plans for the future in Viably Growth, to help you stay on track as you need to restock your inventory or plan product launches. 

    Need to purchase new inventory? Ready to invest in product research?
    Get the capital to reach your ecommerce goals - get funded, today!